NetCode Modes Explained

NetCode Modes Explained


Important Notes

Please note you cannot run two modes at the same time (standard modes the only exception).  This means you cannot have a Standard mode and Rental mode enabled at the same time.  If you have issued standard NetCodes to users and then change the NetCode mode to a Rental and sync the app, the standard NetCodes will no longer function as the mode is no longer available.
If you change a NetCode mode on the lock, this will only change the NetCode mode.  This means the MasterCode, settings and any existing phone clients or code clients will not be affected.
By changing the mode via the app, this will not affect NetCode generation via the portal, the customer service team who are using the portal need to be made aware of any mode changes.  This is so they do not issue a Standard code when a Rental mode is enabled.


Unlimited Rental Mode (URM)

This mode allows you to create a NetCode with an unlimited duration.
You can use this code multiple times within the set duration parameters.
This feature includes “block previous NetCode” by default (See ACC mode for more detail).
This mode allows you to set your own validation period as the NetCode permits access indefinatley.  Validation durations can be anywhere between 1 to 12 hours or 1 to 7 days. These can be found listed in the portal as well.


Rental 1 - 21 Day (ACC)

This mode allows you to create a NetCode duration between 1 and 21 days.
You can use this code multiple times within the set duration parameters.
The NetCode created must be validated, this is don’t by inputting the NetCode into the lock within 24 hours of its set start date.
Scenario: A four day NetCode is due to start on the 1st July, this code will need to be validated between 00:00 and 23.59 on the 1st July.
This feature includes “Block Previous NetCode” by default.
Scenario: Three NetCodes are generated. The first is used successfully for either the whole duration of the access period or up until the second code is input (whichever comes first). 
Now the second code has been used, the first will no longer permit access. Then the third code is used, this prevents the second being used for access.


Standard Mode (Single Use)

This mode allows you to create a NetCode duration between 1 to 12 hours and 1 to 7 days.
You can only use this code once within the set duration parameters.


Standard Mode (Multi Use)

This mode allows you to create a NetCode durations between 1 to 12 hours and 1 to 7 days. 
You can use this code multiple times within the set duration parameters.

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