KL1550 - App User Guide

KL1550 - App User Guide

Logging In

  1. Click on the KL1550 Smart App icon on your device. Please note that the icon may be on your applications screen and not on the primary desktop.

  2. Your email address will already have been displayed in the email field of the login screen. This is the email address that you used during the Getting Started process.

  3. Touch the Log-in button to continue

Once logged in, you will see the App homepage (below). From the App homepage, you can get to your lock list, profile information and the App about screen. If you want to change your password, you can do this from the profile screen (labelled “Edit your account…”). Click on the  (Lock List) button to continue. The lock list will show all locks that you currently have registered against your account.

  • To add a new lock > touch the  (New Lock) button

  • To manage an existing lock > touch the appropriate lock in the list

  • To delete an existing lock > touch and hold the appropriate lock in the list – a confirmation box will be displayed prior to deleting the lock

KL1550 Smart App homepage

Lock list – all the locks registered against your account.

Lock Homepage – view audit trail and manage settings.

Adding a New Lock

  1. To add your new lock, touch the  (New Lock) button.

  2. Enter the details as prompted, including choosing a unique (to your account) 6 digit lock ID. This ID must not start with a 0 (zero). When done, click Show Sequence. Enter this sequence immediately into your lock. If the sequence is entered correctly, the blue LED will flash twice to confirm.

  3. Touch the  (Next) button to finish.

  4. The Lock Details screen will show on completion. Click the Android Menu button (on the Codelocks supplied Hisense devices, this is the left-hand button of three beneath the screen. Click Save current settings. This will ensure that you have access to the settings for this particular lock when your device is without an internet connection.

Note: When you create subsequent locks, to reduce the amount of repetitive data entry, the details for the “last lock viewed” will be displayed on the new lock screen. If you want to clear all the settings for the new lock, touch the clear button.

Managing an Existing Lock

  1. From the lock list screen, touch the lock that you would like to manage.

  2. The lock details screen will open. This screen shows the lock ID, name, location, description, Master & Sub-Master codes and daylight savings. Sounder, audit trail and backup settings can be changed by touching the adjacent buttons. The Sub-Master code and DST settings can be enabled by touching the adjacent buttons.

    • To download settings from the lock, refer to Download Settings from Lock below

    • To modify the mode or mode specific settings, refer to Changing the Mode below

    • To return to the App homepage (and manage or add another lock), touch the  (Home) button

    • Enabling Cloud Backup – refer to Cloud Backup below

  3. After any changes, remember to save the settings in order for those settings to be available if the device is without an internet connection. Click the Android Menu button (on the Codelocks supplier Hisense devices, this is the left-hand button of three beneath the screen. Click Save current settings.

Changing the Mode

The KL1550 Smart has seven available modes. The mode can be selected by touching the white button adjacent to the mode you require. The selected mode will be indicated in red. Once you have selected your mode, touch the  (Next) button. You will be able to amend the mode settings before being prompted to transfer the new settings to your lock.

  • Private – Used where the same code will be repeatedly used

  • Public – For short term, multi-occupancy applications. The same code that locks the lock, will open the lock and then be erased

  • Smart card only – Register up to 50 smartcards for repeated use

  • Smart card or Keypad (Private) – Register up to 50 smart cards and 25 User Codes for repeated use 

  • Smart card or Keypad (Public) – For short term, multi-occupancy applications. The same code or card that locks the lock, will open the lock and then be erased/forgotten

  • NetCode – 6 digit time limited User Code generated on the Codelocks/KitLock Portal

  • NetCode or Smart card – Use a 6 digit time limited User Code generated on the Codelocks/KitLock Portal and up to 50 smart cards.

Note: KL1550 Smart can also be used with the iButton module. Please see the Programming and Operating Instructions for further details.

Mode – Private

  1. Amend settings by touching the button adjacent to the setting. Touch the  (Next) button to add/edit User Codes

  2. Add, edit or delete a User Code by touching a User Code row. A dialog window will open providing add, edit or delete options.

  3. Once finished, touch the  (Save to Lock) button to continue 

Mode – Public

  1. Enable or disable settings by touching the button adjacent to the setting

  2. To enter a new setting (auto-open time, max-lock time or Technician Code), first enable the setting before touching the setting field to enter the new value

  3. Once finished, touch the  (Save to Lock) button to continue

Mode – Smart card only

  1. This mode does not have any specific additional settings. To add or remove smart cards, please refer to the Programming & Operating Instructions.

  2. To save the mode choice to the lock, touch the  (Save to Lock) button to continue.

Mode – Smart card or Keypad (Private)

  1. Enable or disable settings by touching the button adjacent to the setting

  2. Touch the  (Next) to add/edit User Codes

  3. Add, edit or delete a User Code by touching a User Code row. A dialog window will open providing add, edit or delete options.

  4. To add or remove smart cards, please refer to the Programming & Operating Instructions.

  5. Once finished, touch the  (Save to Lock) button to continue

Mode – Smart card or Keypad (Public)

  1. Enable or disable settings by touching the button adjacent to the setting

  2. To enter a new setting (auto-open time, max-lock time or Technician Code), first enable the setting before touching the setting field to enter the new value

  3. Once finished, touch the  (Save to Lock) button to continue

Mode – NetCode

  1. Most NetCode settings are fixed and cannot be changed. To change a lock time, refer to the Programming & Operating Instructions.

  2. Enable or disable the NetCode actions (New NetCode blocks previous or NetCode single use) by touching the adjacent buttons.

  3. Once finished, touch the  (Save to Lock) button to continue

Mode – NetCode or Smart card

  1. Most NetCode settings are fixed and cannot be changed. To change a lock time, refer to the Programming & Operating Instructions.

  2. Enable or disable the NetCode actions (New NetCode blocks previous or NetCode single use) by touching the adjacent buttons.

  3. To add or remove smart cards, please refer to the Programming & Operating Instructions.

  4. Once finished, touch the  (Save to Lock) button to continue

Saving settings to the lock

  1. The App should now be showing a screen depicting a smartphone placed vertically inline with a KL1550 Smart lock. If the screen being displayed is not similar to the screenshot shown to the right, follow the steps above relevant to your selected lock mode.

  2. Unlock your lock via any method (e.g. a smart card, User Code, Master Code, etc)

  3. Rotate the handle

  4. Press the * button within 3 seconds – the blue LED will now be flashing

  5. Touch the  (Start) button immediately. Hold the smart phone inline with the lock as pictured.  IMPORTANT: These steps (4 & 5) must be done immediately after each other.

  6. Once the process is complete, a green tick will be displayed. If the process fails, close the lock and follow these steps again.

View the Audit Trail of an existing lock

  1. From the lock homepage, click on the  (Audit) button to open the audit trail screen

  2. Touch the  (Download from Lock) button

  3. Unlock your lock via any method (e.g. a smart card, User Code, Master Code, etc)

  4. Rotate the handle

  5. Press the * button – the blue LED will now be flashing

  6. Touch the  (Start) button immediately. Hold the smart phone inline with the lock as pictured.  IMPORTANT: These steps (5 & 6) must be done immediately after each other.

  7. Once the process is complete, a  (Green Tick) will be displayed. If the process fails, close the lock and follow these steps again.

Cloud Backup

Cloud backup allows you to save your lock settings and audit trail to the Codelocks Cloud. This then allows you to restore the previously saved settings and view your audit trail online. The KL1550 stores the last 200 audit trail entries so by using cloud backup, you can store audit trail files for future review.

To enable cloud backup:

  1. Click on the white button adjacent to Backup to Cloud

 © 2019 Codelocks Ltd.  All rights reserved.

Note: The KL1550 is now discontinued, support is no longer available for the KL1550 Smart Lock app however it can be operated in standalone mode. Click here for the standalone Programming and Operating Instructions.

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