KL1200 NetCode - Programming and Operating Instructions

KL1200 NetCode - Programming and Operating Instructions


  1. 20 User Codes
  2. Auto-unlock after set period
  3. Auto-unlock at set time
  4. NetCode
  5. Dual Authorisation


Brushed Steel
IP Rating
Refer to fitting instructions. Gasket required.
Key Override
Lock Type
Temperature Range
0°C - 55°C


2x AAA
Battery Override

*Slam latch accessory available separately. The slam latch is fitted in-lieu of the cam.


Master Code
Management and administration of the lock. In Public Function, the Master Code will also clear an active User Code. The Master Code is 8 digits in length.

Sub-Master Code
Basic administration of the lock. The Sub-Master Code is 8 digits in length.

Technician Code
In Public Function, the Technician Code will open a lock but not clear an active User Code. The lock will automatically re-lock. The Technician Code is 6 digits in length.

Standard Features

Re-Lock Delay

The number of seconds before the lock will re-lock in any Private Function.

Restrict Operating Time

Control the hours during which the lock will

Private Function

Once set, the User Code allows repeated unlocking of the lock. The lock will always re-lock automatically. This function is used for long term usage where a locker is typically allocated to an individual.

User Codes

A default User Code of 2244 is set in Private Function. Up to 20 User Codes can be added. User Codes are 4 digits in  length.

Dual Authorisation

Any two valid User Codes or two active NetCodes must be entered for access.

Public Function

The user enters their own personal four-digit code to lock the lock. Entering the same code will open the lock and clear the code, ready for the next user. This function is used for short term, multi occupancy applications, e.g. a  locker in a leisure centre. User Codes are 4 digits in length.

Single Entry

Single entry of the chosen User Code will lock the lock.

Double Entry

The chosen User Code must be repeated for locking.

Set a Maximum Locked Period

When set, the lock, if locked, will unlock automatically after a set number of hours.

Auto-unlock at a set time

When set, the lock, if locked, will unlock automatically at a set time.


The NetCode Function enables the lock owner to generate time sensitive codes for locks installed in remote locations. NetCode Function should be activated prior to shipping to remote site/installation via the web-based portal.  This function is typically used for issuing codes to visiting service engineers, delivery personnel (drop boxes) and medium-term locker rental. Generated codes can be sent by email or SMS to any email account or mobile phone via a password protected Codelocks Portal account. NetCodes are 7 digits in length.

Important: To initialise your KL1200 NetCode, visit our Codelocks Connect Portal. After initialisation, you must chose the NetCode operating mode using Program 21.

NetCode Private

Locked by default. Allows repeated access within a set time period. Lock will re-lock automatically.

NetCode Public

Unlocked by default. Allows repeated access within a set time period. NetCode required to lock and unlock.


Master User

The Master User is effectively the administrator of the lock. All programs are available to the Master User. The Master Code should be changed before active use.

Change Master Code

#Master Code 01  New Master Code  New Master Code  ••
Example : #11335577  •  01   •  12345678   •  12345678  ••
Result : Master Code has been changed to 12345678

Standard User

A standard user can use the lock within the configuration applied

Set or Change a User Code

#(Sub)Master Code   •  02  •  User Position   •  User Code  ••
Example : #11335577   •  02   •  01   •  1234  ••
Result : The User Code 1234 has been added to position 01
Note : A user can change their own code using the program below:
#User Code  •  New User Code  •  New User Code  ••
Example : #1234  •  9876  •  9876  ••
Result : The user's code has now been set to 9876.

Delete a User Code

#(Sub)Master Code  •  03   •  User Position  ••
Example : #11335577  •  03   •  06  ••
Result : The User Code in position 06 has been deleted
Note :   Entering 00 as position will delete all User Codes

Sub-Master User

The Sub-Master has access to the majority of the programs but cannot change or delete the Master User. The Sub-Master User is not required for operation.

Set or Change Sub-Master Code

#(Sub)Master Code  •  04  •  New Sub-Master Code   •  Confirm New Sub-Master Code  ••
Example : #11335577  •  04  •  99775533   •  99775533  ••
Result : The Sub-Master Code 99775533 has been added

Delete the Sub-Master Code

#Master Code  •  05  •  05  ••
Example : #11335577  •  05  •  05  ••
Result : The Sub-Master Code has been deleted

Technician User

The technician can open a lock. After opening, the lock will automatically re-lock after four seconds. In public function, the active user code will remain valid. In private function, the technician is essentially an  additional standard user.

Set or Change Technician Code

#(Sub)Master Code  •  13  •  New Technician Code  •  Confirm New Technician Code  ••
Example : #11335577  •  13  •  555777  •  555777  ••
Result : The Technician Code 555777 has been added

Delete Technician Code

#(Sub)Master Code   •  13   •  000000   •  000000  ••
Example : #11335577  13  000000   000000  ••
Result : The Technician Code has been deleted

Operating Functions

Public Use - Double Entry

The default state of the lock is unlocked. To lock, the user must enter a 4 digit code of their choice and repeat for confirmation. After locking, on re-entering their code, the lock will unlock and remain unlocked  ready for the next user.
Note : Entering the Master or Sub-Master code when the lock is in Public Function will clear the active user code and put the lock into an unlocked state ready for a new user.
#Master Code  22  ••
Example : #11335577   22  ••
Result:  The lock will remain open until the next user enters a 4 digit code. The user will be required  to confirm their code (double entry).
Note : On re-entry of the same 4-digit code, the lock will open.

Public Use - Single Entry

The default state of the lock is unlocked. To lock, the user must enter a 4 digit code of their choice. The user does not need to confirm their code. After locking, on re-entering their code, the lock will unlock and  remain unlocked ready for the next user.
#Master Code  •  24  ••
Example : #11335577  24  ••
Result : The lock will remain open until the next user enters a 4 digit code. The user will not be  required to confirm their code. Once entered, the lock will lock.
Note : On re-entry of the same 4-digit code, the lock will open.

Private Use

The default state of the lock is locked. A single default user is registered with a code of 2244. A total of 20 user codes can be added to the lock. Entering a valid user code will unlock the lock. The lock will  automatically re-lock after four seconds.
#Master Code  26  ••
Example : #11335577  26  ••
Result : The lock will remain locked until a User, Technician, Sub-Master or Master Code is entered.


Time sensitive codes can be created via the Codelocks Portal or API and a valid subscription is required. To initialise your KL1200 NetCode, visit our Codelocks Connect Portal. After initialisation, you must chose the NetCode operating mode using Program 21 - Program 21 options will be displayed during the initialisation process.


Change Sounder State

Example : #11335577  • 07  •  01  ••
Result : Enables sounder.

Example : #11335577  • 07  •  00  ••
Result : Disables sounder.

Locked LED Indication

When enabled (default), the red LED will flash every 5 seconds to indicate locked status.
#Master Code   08  •  Enable/Disable <00|01>  ••

Example : #11335577  08   01  ••
Result : Enables locked LED indication.

Example : #11335577  08   00  ••
Result : Disables locked LED indication.

Dual Authorisation

Requires any two active User Codes or two active NetCodes to be entered within 5 seconds for the lock to unlock.
#Master Code   09   Enable/Disable <00|01> 

Example : #11335577   09   01 
Result : Dual authorisation has been enabled. Any two active User Codes must be entered to unlock.

Example : #11335577   09   00 
Result : Dual authorisation has been disabled.

Auto-Unlock after X Hours

Unlocks the lock automatically after a pre-determined time of being locked.
#Master Code    10  Time <01-24>  ••
Example : #11335577   10  06  ••
Result : The lock will unlock 6 hours after locking.

#Master Code  10  00  ••

Auto-Unlock at a Set Time

Unlocks the lock automatically at specific time. Requires date & time to be set (Program 12).
#Master Code   11   HHmm 
Example : #11335577   11   2000 
Result : The lock will unlock at 20:00.

#Master Code   11  •  2400 

Set or Change Date & Time

Date/time is required for NetCode and auto-open at a set-time functions.
#(Sub)Master Code  12   YYMMDD   HHmm 
Example : #11335577   12   200226   1128  ••
Result : The date/time has been set to February 26th, 2020 11:28.
Note : DST is not supported.

Restrict Operating Time

Restricts locking within the set hours. In Private Function, no locking or unlocking will be possible. In Public Function, no locking will be possible. Master and Sub-Master will always allow access.  All Master and  Sub-Master programs remain available.
#Master Code   18   HHmm (Start)   HHmm (End) 
Example : #11335577   18   0830   1730 
Result : User Code can only be used between 08:30 and 17:30.

NetCode Functions

NetCode Private

#Master Code   21   1 
Example : #11335577   21   1  ••
Result : The lock will remain locked until a valid Master, Sub-Master, Technician, User Code or  NetCode is entered.

NetCode Private with Personal User Code

#Master Code   21   2 
Example: #11335577   21   2 
Result : The lock will remain locked until a valid Master, Sub-Master, Technician, NetCode or  Personal User Code is entered.
     Note : The user will have to enter their NetCode followed by a 4-digit Private User Code (PUC).  Thereafter, the user will only be able to use their PUC to unlock the lock. The validity period will be as  per the original NetCode. During the validity period, NetCodes will not be accepted.

NetCode Public

#Master Code   21   3 
Example : #11335577   21   3  ••
Result : The lock will remain open until the next user enters a valid NetCode. The user will not be  required to confirm their code. Once entered, the lock will lock.
     Note : On re-entry of the NetCode, the lock will open. A NetCode can only be used within its validity  period.

NetCode Public with Personal User Code

#Master Code   21   4 
Example : #11335577   21   4  ••
Result : The lock will remain open until the next user enters a valid NetCode followed by a Personal  User Code (PUC) of their choice. The user will not be required to confirm their code. Once entered, the lock will lock.
     Note : On re-entry of the same PUC, the lock will open. A PUC can only be used within the validity  period of the original NetCode.

NetCode Types

#Master Code   14   ABC 
Example : #11335577   14  •  001  ••
Result : Standard type only enabled
     Note : Default type is standard + short term rental

New NetCode Blocks Previous

When one valid NetCode is entered followed by another, the first NetCode will be automatically blocked regardless of its individual validity period.
#Master Code   15   <0 or 1> 
     Note : This feature is only available for standard NetCodes

Example : #11335577   15   1 
Result : The previously used NetCode will be blocked whenever a new NetCode is entered.

Example : #11335577   15   0 
Result : Any valid NetCode can be used.

Blocking another NetCode

A NetCode can be blocked manually using program 16. This program is available to Master, Sub-Master and NetCode users. The NetCode to block must be known.
#(Sub)Master Code  16   NetCode to Block 
Example : #11335577   16   9876543  ••
Result : NetCode 9876543 is now blocked.


##NetCode   16   NetCode to Block 
Example : ##1234567   16   9876543  ••
Result : NetCode 9876543 has been blocked

Setting a Personal User Code (PUC)

##NetCode   01   Personal User Code   Personal User Code 
Example : ##1234567   01   9933     9933  ••
Result : The user can now a Personal User Code (PUC) of their choice. A PUC can only be used  within the validity period of the original NetCode

Other Functions

Battery Level Check

#Master Code  87  ••
Example : #11335577  87  ••


•   •  
•   •   •  

Factory Reset

Via Keypad

#Master Code   99   99 
Example: #11335577   99   99 
Result: The motor will engage and both LEDs will flash to indicate the lock has reverted to factory

Via Power Reset

1. Disconnect power
2. Press & hold 1 button
3. Reconnect power whilst holding down 1 button
4. Release 1 button & within three seconds, press 1 three times

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