Generate and Share NetCodes

Generate and Share NetCodes

1. First you will need to open your lock's page in the portal and then select the Create a NetCode button at the top of the screen.

2. You will then be presented with some options for your NetCode, select the parameters you would like your NetCode to abide to.

Mode - Choose the type of mode you would like to use.

Duration - This is the length of time your NetCode will permit access for (from the start time).

Start Date - The date you would like your NetCode to start.

Start Hour - This is the time you would like your NetCode to start permitting access from.


Example: The below options will provide a NetCode which will work on the 28th June 2017, starting at 8:00am for a total of 8 hours.  After 16:00pm on this date the NetCode will no longer allow access.


3. Once you have entered in the parameters you would like, select the Create button at the bottom of the page. This will then show you an overview of your NetCode's parameters and the NetCode itself.


4. Now you can either take the NetCode straight from here, or if you would like to you can share your NetCode via a SMS or email.

Email: Type the email address into the box on the right hand side and your message in the left hand side, then select Email.  This will then send an email containing the NetCode and your message to the recipient.

Important: Please do not copy and paste the email address.


SMS: Do exactly the same as the above instructions for sending an email, however this time type in the phone number in an international format, e.g. 447123456789. Then press SMS to send.



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