CL5000 NetCode® - Programming and Operating Instructions

CL5000 NetCode® - Programming and Operating Instructions

About CL5000 NetCode®
The CL5000 NetCode® is an evolution of the time-tested classic CL5000 heavy duty digital Codelock, now offering temporary, time-sensitive NetCodes, alongside all the standard functions of the CL5000.

The Basics

Master Code

The factory set Master Code is #12345678. This should be changed immediately after installation - see First Use. The Master Code (and Sub-Master Code if set) always start with the # button. This puts the lock into Programming Mode.


Each programming sequence starts with the #Master Code or #Sub-Master Code. The singular blue dots throughout the sequence represent an acceptance flash; the keypad will illuminate blue to confirm a correct input. At the end of a sequence, the keypad will flash twice confirming it’s complete and programming has been successful. 

When in Programming Mode, a Program Code must be entered within 5 seconds, otherwise the Red LED will flash and beep and the lock will revert to normal. If a programming mistake is made, wait 5 seconds, the Red LED will flash and beep and the lock will revert to normal.

Re-Lock Delay

The default re-lock delay is 4 seconds. This may be changed using Program 06 up to 30 seconds.

Access Methods

  1. The lock memory will store 80 different User Codes, each identified by a User Code ID - 01 to 80.
  2. The lock can store an additional 10 One-Time User Codes. Each One-Time User Code is identified by a One-Time User Code ID - 81 to 90.


The lock has a 12 button keypad which includes * and # buttons. The # button is only used for programming. The * button is used in some programming sequences and with NetCodes.

Code Free Mode

Using the Master or the Sub-Master Code, programs 08 and 09 will put the lock into, and out of, Code Free Mode. In Code Free Mode battery power is not being used. If Master and Sub-Master Codes cannot be issued for this purpose it is possible to use the Key-in-Lever to put the lock into Code Free Mode. This requires changing the cylinder tailpiece according to the CL5000 Tailpiece Instructions.


This function allows temporary access. Create time-sensitive, 7 digit codes via the Codelocks Connect Portal or your own application with our simple API (application programming interface). For more information about Codelocks NetCode®  Technology, visit:

Locked/Unlocked Status

Using Program 15 the Blue and Red LED’s can be programmed to indicate locked and unlocked status.

Remote Release

REM 1 is intended for use when there is a need to allow a visitor to open the door after having been identified by intercom or by sight from within. REM 1  would be connected to a pushbutton on a reception desk, or to the appropriate button on an intercom. Pushing the button would cause the Blue LED to light and would release the lock for the normal set time.

REM 2 is intended for use when there is a need for the door to be released by an alarm system, such as a fire alarm. This enables emergency personnel to rapidly check that no one is trapped/overlooked in classrooms, wards, guest rooms, etc. during an emergency evacuation, or during a fire drill. When activated by an alarm REM 2  will maintain the unlocked condition for 30 minutes. During this time the red LED will flash once every second and beep to indicate the unlocked condition. The lock will automatically revert to normal after 30 minutes. If required Program 11 can be used to revert the lock to normal before the 30 minute period has finished.

First Use - Change the Master Code

Important: It is recommended that you change the Master Code from the factory default immediately after installation and performing a successful operations check.

Changing the Master Code

#Master Code  •  10  •  New Master Code  •  New Master Code  • •
Example: #12345678  •  10  •  86754321  •  86754321 • •
Result:  The Master Code has changed to 86754321
Note: When used without the # prefix, the Master Code will allow access.


Sub-Master Codes

Set or Change Sub-Master Code

#(Sub)Master Code  •  13  •  New Sub-Master Code  •  New Sub-Master Code • 
Example: #12345678  •  13 •  44556677 •  44556677 • •
Result: The Sub-Master Code has been changed to 44556677.
Note: This program is available to Master and Sub-Master Codes. When used without the # prefix, the Sub-Master Code will allow access.

Clear the Sub-Master Code

#(Sub)Master Code  •  14  •  14 • •
Example: #12345678  •  14  •  14  • •
Result: The Sub-Master Code has been cleared.
Note: This program is available to Master and Sub-Master Codes.

User Codes

Set or Change a User Code

#(Sub)Master Code   01   User Position <01-80>    New User Code  • •
Example: #12345678   01   01    2244   • •
Result:  The User Code 2244 has been added to position 01.
Note: Up to 80 User Codes of 4-6 digit length can be added. The default length of User Codes is 4 digits. To change the User Code length, see program 16.

Suspend a User Code

#(Sub)Master Code   02    User Position <01-80>  • •
Example: #12345678  •  02  •  01  • •
Result: The User Code in position 01 has been suspended. A Blue LED flash followed by a Red LED flash indicates a valid but suspended User Code.

Restore a User Code

#(Sub)Master Code  •  03  •   User Position <01-80>  • •
Example: #12345678  •  03  •  01  • •
Result:  The User Code in position 01 has been restored.

Suspend All User Codes

#(Sub)Master Code   04  • •
Example: #12345678  •  04  • •
Result: All User Codes have been suspended.

Restore All User Codes

#(Sub)Master Code  •  05  • •
Example: #12345678  •  05  • •
Result: All User Codes have been restored.

Set a One-Time User Code
#(Sub)Master Code  •  07  •   One-Time Code Position <81-90>  •  One-Time Code  • •
Example: #12345678  •  07  •  81  •  4321 • •
Result:  A One-Time User Code, 4321, has been added to position 81.

Delete A Specific User Code

#(Sub)Master Code  •  12  •  User Position <01-90> • •
Example: #12345678  •  12  •  03  • •
Result: User Code in position 03 has been deleted.
Note: This program is available to Master and Sub-Master Codes.

Delete All User Codes

#(Sub)Master Code  •  12  •  00  • •
Example: #12345678  •  12  •  00  • •
Result: All User Codes will be deleted.
Note: This program is available to Master and Sub-Master Codes.

Set or Change User Code Length

#Master Code  •  16  •  <User Code Length 4-6> • •
Example: #12345678  •  16 •  6  • •
Result: The length of User Codes has been set to 6.
Note: The default length of User Codes is 4 digits. Changing the length of User Codes will automatically clear all existing User Codes.

Re-Lock Delay

#(Sub)Master Code  •  06 •  Seconds to re-lock <02-30> • •
Example: #12345678  •  06  •  08 • •
Result: The re-lock delay has been changed from 4 seconds (default) to 8 seconds.

Code Free Mode

Set Code Free Mode

#(Sub)Master Code  •  08  • •
Example: #12345678  •  08  • •
Result: The lock will remain unlocked until Code Free Mode is cancelled.

Cancel Code Free Mode

#(Sub)Master Code  •  09  • •
Example: #12345678  •  09  • •
Result: Code Free Mode has been cancelled and the lock will return to normal operation.

REM 2 - Cancel Emergency Open

#(Sub)Master Code  •  11  • •
Example: #12345678  •  11  • •
Result: The lock returns to normal operation.
Note: Emergency open is triggered via a dry-contact switch connected to REM 2. When triggered, the lock remains unlocked for 30 minutes or until program 11 is used to manually cancel Emergency Open. This program is available to Master and Sub-Master Codes.

Change the Locked/Unlock Status Indicators

By changing the locked/unlocked status, you can enable a visual locked status indicator. 

Disable Locked Status Indicator (Default)
#(Sub)Master Code  •  15  •  1 • •
Example: #12345678  •  15  •  1 • •
Result: When locked, no LEDs will flash. This is the default setting.

Enable Locked Status Indicator
#(Sub)Master Code  •  15  •  2 • •
Example: #12345678  •  15  •  2 • •
Result: When locked, the Red LED will flash continuously every 5 seconds.

Enable Unlocked Status Indicator
#(Sub)Master Code  •  15  •  3 • •
Example: #12345678  •  15  •  3 • •
Result: When in Code Free Mode, the Blue LED will flash continuously every 5 seconds.

Keypad Sound

The lock's keypad will beep with each button press by default. You can mute the keypad using program 17 below.

Mute Keypad
#(Sub)Master Code  •  17  •  0 • •
Example: #12345678  •  17  •  0 • •
Result: The sounder is turned off.

Enable Keypad Sound (Default)
#(Sub)Master Code  •  17  •  1 • •
Example: #12345678  •  17  •  1 • •
Result: Sounder has been enabled. This is the default setting.

How to Use NetCode®

1. Create a Codelocks Connect Portal Account

  1. Visit and select Register to create your account.
  2. Complete the form and click Register.
  3. Confirm your email address by clicking the Activate Account button in the welcome email.
  4. Click the Activate Account button on the verification page to complete your registration.
  5. You are now registered and can sign in to the Codelocks Connect Portal.

2. Add Your Lock to the Codelocks Connect Portal

  1. If you're not signed in already, sign in to the Codelocks Connect Portal.
  2. From the Dashboard, navigate to your Locks and select Add New Lock.
  3. Choose your lock model (CL5000 NetCode®) by clicking the green Add button.
  4. In correlation with your lock's location, select the correct timezone from the dropdown list.
  5. Enter the Master Code.
    Note: If you have not yet changed the Master Code, it will be the factory default 12345678.
  6. Click Generate Initialisation Sequence. A programming sequence will be displayed.
  7. Immediately enter the sequence into the lock. This will enable the NetCode® function and set the time/date in the lock.
    Note: If any Red LED flashes occur, an error has been made. Click the Generate Initialisation Sequence button again and retry. If the error persists, factory reset the lock and try again.
  8. Enter a name, location and description for your lock before clicking Save and Exit.

3. Choose NetCode® Operating Mode

By default, the NetCode® operating mode is set to Standard Multi-Use. You can change the operating mode by using the sequences below.

Standard Multi-Use (Default)

NetCode® duration can be set 1 to 12 hours or 1 to 7 days. Can be used multiple times within its duration.
#Master Code  •  53  •  1  • •
Example: #12345678  •  53  •  1  • •
Result: The lock will support Standard Multi-Use NetCodes.

Standard Single-Use

NetCode® duration can be set 1 to 12 hours or 1 to 7 days. Can only be used once within its duration.
#Master Code  •  53  •  2  • •
Example: #12345678  •  53  •  2  • •
Result: The lock will support Standard Single-Use NetCodes.

Rental Multi-Use 

NetCode® duration can be set for 1 hour, between 1 - 21 days or 28 days. Can be used multiple times within its duration. NetCode® must be used within the first 24 hours.
#Master Code  •  53  •  3  • •
Example: #12345678  •  53  •  3  • •
Result: The lock will support Rental Multi-Use NetCodes.

Important Notes:
- Only one operating mode can be in use at any one time. 
- Switching modes will suspend any existing NetCodes until the lock is returned to that mode.
- When generating a NetCode® the lock must be programmed to the same operating mode as selected on the Codelocks Connect Portal. If they do not match, the NetCode® will not work.

4. Generate a NetCode® via the Codelocks Connect Portal

  1. If you're not signed in already, sign in to the Codelocks Connect Portal.
  2. Navigate to the lock you wish to generate a NetCode® for, and click the Generate NetCode® button.
  3. Follow the steps, ensuring the NetCode® Type matches the operating mode you have programmed into the lock.

Additional NetCode® Features

New NetCode® Blocks Previous NetCode®

This feature is only available for standard single-use and multi-use NetCodes.

Disable NetCode® Blocking (Default)

#(Sub)Master Code  •  51  •  0  • •
Example: #12345678  •  51  •  0  • •
Result: Any valid NetCode® can be used.

Enable NetCode® Blocking

#(Sub)Master Code  •  51  •  1  • •
Example: #12345678  •  51  •  1  • •
Result: The previously used NetCode® will be blocked whenever a new NetCode® is entered.

Block a Specific NetCode®

Note: When entering a NetCode® in a sequence, do not include the * prefix.

Via (Sub)Master Code

#(Sub)Master Code  •  52  •  NetCode®-to-block  • •
Example: #12345678  •  52  •  9876543  • •
Result: NetCode® 9876543 is now blocked.

Via Valid NetCode®

##NetCode®  •  52  •  NetCode®-to-block  • •
Example: ##5746874  •  52  •  9876543  • •
Result: NetCode® 9876543 is now blocked.

Date & Time Settings

Set the Date/Time

#(Sub)Master Code  •  54  •  YYMMDD  •  HHmm  • •
Example: #12345678  •  54  •  230914  •  1830  • •
Result: The date has been set to September 14th, 2023 and the time to 18:30.

Enable Daylight Savings Time (DST)

#(Sub)Master Code  •  55  •  DST Period <1-5>  •  DST Starts (YYMMDD)  •  DST Ends (YYMMDD) • •
Example: #12345678  •  55  •  1  •  230327  •  231030  • •
Result: The first DST period starts on 27/03/2023 and ends on 30/10/2023.
Note: Up to 5 DST periods can be added allowing settings for up to 5 years to be set. In the majority of countries where DST operates, DST is applied at 01:00. This is the default DST time on the lock.


Incorrect Code

After an incorrect code, the Red LED shall flash once. On three consecutive incorrect codes, the lock will not accept further keypad input for 10 seconds.

Programming Error

If a programming mistake is made wait 5 seconds, the Red LED will flash and beep and the lock will revert to normal.

Low Battery

On low battery detection, the Red LED shall flash three times after a correct code is entered.

Checking the Battery Level

#Master Code  •  87  • •
Example: #12345678  •  87  • •
Result: Red and Blue LEDs will flash to indicate current battery status.

More than 80% charged
 • • • 
Between 50%-80% charged
 •• • • 
Between 20%-50% charged
 •• • 
Less than 20% charged

Battery Failure Procedure

If the batteries fail, the key override can be used to open the door. Open the battery cover on the rear of the lock. Replace with high quality AA batteries and ensure that they are orientated correctly. Please refer to local authority recommendations for the disposal of old batteries.

Important! If set previously, the date and time will need to be reset after replacing the batteries. NetCode® settings will be retained.

Factory Reset

Via Keypad

#Master Code 99 99 ••
Example: #12345678 99 99 ••
Result: The motor will engage and the Blue LED will flash twice to indicate the lock has reverted to factory settings.

Via Power Reset

If the Master Code is not known, the lock memory can be cleared and made to revert to the factory settings as follows:
  1. Remove a battery
  2. Press and hold the '1' button
  3. Replace the battery (Blue LED will flash twice)
  4. Release the '1' button 
  5. Within 3 seconds, press the '1' button three times
  6. The Blue LED will flash twice confirming that the lock has reverted to the factory settings
Important Notes
- Performing a factory reset will revert the lock to its default settings and factory set Master Code #12345678. All User Codes and NetCodes will be cleared.
- If previously using NetCode® function, it will no longer be enabled after a factory reset. To continue using NetCode®, delete your lock from the Codelocks Connect Portal and then re-add it.
- Date / time settings will be lost and need to be reset.

The Codelocks Control + Convenience logo and NetCode® are registered trademarks of Codelocks Ltd., registered in the United Kingdom, United States and other countries and regions.

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